Armed officers smashed down the front door of Ghislaine Maxwell's (left) secret hideaway before hauling her off in handcuffs. The raid on the 156-acre property where Maxwell was staying in Bradford, New Hampshire (right), swung into action at 8.20am on Thursday when 24 armed FBI agents, officers from the local police force, New York police and New Hampshire's gang task force used bolt-cutters to break the lock on a metal gate leading to the secluded property that she bought for cash last December. An officer told The Mail on Sunday: 'We drove at speed up the half-mile driveway in a convoy of 15 vehicles. And let's just say, we didn't knock politely on the door. It was smashed down.' Maxwell was up and dressed, in the living room, wearing sweat pants and a top, and 'didn't have much of a reaction' as she was cuffed. Inset: A mystery man seen at the New Hampshire property Tuckedaway.
But the worst is yet to come. Epstein's sex cult has it's biggest players in Silicon Valley.
What kinds of sick people are these pervert perpetrators?:
- The perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex cult. The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices, located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel. Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck sex scandals are well known. These men's sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news individually in the Joe Lonsdale rape case, The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit, The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse stories, The Jeffrey Epstein case, The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case, The Andy Rubin sex slave case, The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal, The British Hydrant investigation, The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals,The NXIVM sexual slave cases, The Michael Goguen anal sex slave trial, The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties and thousands of other cases and federal divorce court filings. This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control. The Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators. The Elon Musk sex perversions are the tip of the iceberg. At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. Google's Eric Schmidt is under massive investigation. You hear about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid "not just for sex but for the oligarch's endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason...". Multiple attorney general's controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer , are involved this these sex rings. These are the main influencers of a national political party and they are all involved in horrific sex perversions and abuses!
- An inordinate number of the members are closeted homosexuals who seek to use their media monopolies and massive lobbyist ownership's to promote child sex and child sex change consideration. Hence the massive, sudden, promotion of those issues in all of their media since they took power in 2008 and pretty much ran the Obama White House. The press has widely reported on underage boy sex clubs and the payment to parents for the blood of young boys by these oligarchs. A large number of tech VC's and senior executives are covert gay activists who hire women to act as their "beards". Their elitist Yale and Stanford fraternity house upbringings promoted "bromances", "rape culture" and a don't-worry-daddy-will-fix-it mentality. Highly gay law firms, (like Covington, Perkins and Sonsini), actively lobby to place gay politicians in office from their Bay Area offices.
- The AngelGate Conspiracy ( https://venturecapitalcorruption.weebly.com/the-angelgate-conspiracy.html ); The Job Collusion Case ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Tech_Employee_Antitrust_Litigation ) and hundreds of other cases, prove that the perpetrators regularly meet, conspire, collude and racketeer, in full view of law enforcement, without ever getting arrested by the FBI because they bribe public officials in order to avoid prosecution.
Famous members of congress lie, cheat, steal and manipulate public records in order to protect their trillions of dollars of Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla and Amazon insider stock market payola.
Now the public is working together, around the globe, to end this corruption forever by exposing every single one of the corrupt and all of their dirty secrets!
Department of Energy staff (ie: Chu), White House staff (ie: Emanual), CIA staff (ie: Woolsey) owned the rare earth (ie: lithium, indium) mining scam stock (ie: Goldman Sachs transfers) market securities from foreign countries (ie: Afghanistan, Congo) which only benefited themselves, Elon Musk and his Silicon Valley cartel.
Demand the immediate divestiture of all stock market holdings of all politicians and their family members because that is how most bribes are now paid!
The Political Corruption Crimes We Experienced In California And Washington DC
The government is responsible to us for the damages to us. We, as natural born citizens, suffered injuries caused by the crimes of government staff during, and after, our work for the government.
The NY Times reported: "Ms. Feinstein and her husband sold $1.5 million
to $6 million worth of stock in Allogene Therapeutics, a
California-based biotech company, in transactions that took place
on Jan. 31 and Feb. 18." She, as usual, claimed that she has
"no involvement in her husband’s financial decisions" to avoid
criticism. Do you really think that she has no idea about
multi-million dollar deals that her husband is involved in? Dianne
Feinstein, and her family owned the HR services, the construction
company, the leasing services and the stock market accounts in Tesla
and Solyndra and got the owners of those companies their government
hand-outs. White House Staff and Department of Energy staff were
fully aware of this and covered up these conflicts to protect their
own stock holdings and revolving door jobs. She, and other Senators,
ordered hit-jobs on the competitors to those companies, who were
their constituents, in order to protect their stock holding
profiteering efforts.